Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Here we are Thanksgiving day, cooking away in the kitchen. Caleb taught my parents how to make latte's and cappucino's with their coffee machine. Caleb gets so into making coffee drinks...it's funny. Aislyn absolutely loved playing with the dog, Zoey. She would chase her around and stand up beside her. She loved to pet her....with Zoey's nose being her favorite target. My mom thinks we need a pet, but i think it's perfect to visit the dog at Grammy Laurie's house, and Poofy the cat at Gramma Bev's. We tried a dog once...he ran away. : )


Schreiner Family said...

I love the pictures. I understand the pet thing... Derek thinks that all kids need a dog... not me. B/c I'll be the one taking care of it! Plus we can't agree on what kind of dog we should get anyway!

Schreiner Family said...

I'm so proud of you for taking so many pictures and capturing the spirit of Thanksgiving :)haha!
Tell Caleb he has to make me some coffee when we visit! I'm impressed!

Grammy Garlow said...

I miss little Aislyn! She is so cute! Love getting the updates.