Saturday, July 26, 2008

CO trip

Glenwood Springs with Angie, Derek, and Sladen
Sladen and Aislyn were giving kisses and hugs. They had fun playing together.
sharing cheerios : )

We had such a blast hangin with the Schreiners......we can't wait

for many more vacations together!!

CO trip

Dillon, CO
Trevor Hall concert
Aislyn was the hit of the night...dancing all over the place....Trevor even came to the edge of the stage and sang to her.

fireworks after the show

CO trip

On our way to the Trevor concert...we were pumped!

Playin on the coolest playground
christopher being cheesy

Aisy and her daddy having some bonding time

CO trip

At the coffee shop in Breckenridge
Maggie Pond at Breck

Check out Aislyn's face!